How to Determine the Solidity of a Skateboard's Wheels?
The wheels of your skateboard can help or hurt your trip, so selecting wheels with the appropriate firmness is crucial. Softer wheels provide much more hold, making them a good choice for road skating, however, they are slower than harder wheels, which are a far better choice for smooth surface areas, particularly skate parks. Companies use durometer scales to indicate the hardness of the skateboards they manufacture. The smaller the number, the softer the wheel. Most manufacturers use A durometer scale. For example, a 78A skateboard wheel would be considered very soft, while a 100A skateboard wheel would be very hard. The durometer B scale is 20 points lower than the A scale and tends to be more accurate, especially for harder measuring skateboards. In other words, a wheel labeled 80B has the same hardness as a wheel labeled 100A. 1.Guide to skateboard wheel hardness Most skateboards are between 78 and 100 on the Durometer A Scale. The 78A to 87A are soft wheels, sui...