Process Flow and Structure of Polyurethane Caster
With the passage of time, polyurethane castor products on the PU Castor Wheels market have gradually increased. This may also be the market demand to adapt to customers with different needs. Whether it is now or before, whether it is a new product or an old product, the production process of its polyurethane casters is the same. Polyurethane casters are generally divided into two parts, plastic and hardware, and these two parts have their own different production processes.
1. Injection molding part
Drying material-blanking-injection molding-wheel out-trimming-cooling-bearing
2. Hardware part
Embryo-profiling-drilling-forming-out (heat treatment-electroplating)
After the two parts are completed, they will enter the assembly workshop for assembly, packing and storage. So far, the production of polyurethane casters is complete!
PU Castor Wheels for forklift can be called directional polyurethane casters and universal polyurethane casters. The directional polyurethane caster bracket is equipped with a single wheel, which can only move in a straight line. The universal polyurethane casters are made of 360-degree steering brackets with single wheels, which can move in any direction at will. The factors that affect the flexibility of the polyurethane casters include the structure of the bracket and the selection of the bracket steel, the size of the wheel, the type of wheel, the bearing, etc.The larger the wheel, the better the driving flexibility, and the hard and narrow wheels are flat on a stable ground. The soft-sided wheels save effort, but the soft wheels save effort on uneven ground, but the soft wheels on uneven ground can better protect the equipment and absorb shocks.
Pu Castor Wheels
The load-bearing capacity of polyurethane casters when moving is also called dynamic load. The dynamic load of polyurethane casters differs due to different test methods in the factory, and also due to different materials of the wheels. The key is whether the structure and quality of the bracket can resist impact and shock. . The instant load-bearing capacity of polyurethane casters when the equipment is impacted or shaken by the load. The weight that polyurethane casters can bear in a static state. The static load should generally be 5-6 times the exercise load (dynamic load), and the static load should be at least 2 times the impact load. The bearing of the polyurethane caster determines the mobility of the polyurethane caster and the quality of the polyurethane caster. The polyurethane caster and bearing are different in different places; such as the polyurethane caster heel on the shopping cart we see in the supermarket The polyurethane casters used in the factory workshop are different. The main difference between the two is that the bearing weight is different. The polyurethane casters on the supermarket shopping cart have a relatively small load capacity, while the factory workshop often carries heavier items. , So there are great requirements on the material and bearings of polyurethane casters.